
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Different Rather Complicated Games Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

varied Rather Complicated Games - Assignment ExampleThat was when he started to design games of the same nature at the climb on of nigh 13. The source solemnly believes that the kind of thinking he was doing was the result of the video games and sitcoms that were bulkular at his time. The writers major argument here is that todays pop goal does non affect the individuals, in fact, it is the other way round. Pop culture is the result of the system. The writer goes on to swan that he doesnt believe that todays pop culture make it to the bracket of masterpieces save it certainly has much depth and meaning than it appears to demand. The writer believes the sleeper curve to be the most distinguished force that is affecting mental development in this age. He believes it to enhance thinking and improved manner in members of the society rather than the opposite. The opposing position to this argument is that the pop culture enhanced by the popularity of video games knows no boun daries. The sex, violence, and profanity not just give out a negative two-baser of the society as a whole, it corrupts it. Columnist Suzanne Fields puts it best it is shameful to think about how many another(prenominal) people are exposed to the worst traits within their society. The boundaries of acceptable conduct have become soggy because people believe it is okay for them to act in accordance with what the pop culture is showing them. The writers major argument is that media doesnt corrupt society, it is a result of the corrupted society. The pop culture in the form of video games is a reflection of the real world, the world that isnt the so well-chosen and safe place people want it portrayed like. The author also says that it is not the content of the pop culture that matters but one needs to look at the positive thought process it is accountable for. The writer goes on to acknowledge the benefits of conventional learning forms such as books admitting that they are the bes t vehicle of learning but argues that video games can provide with the same benefits. The only problem people have with them is that they came later on. If video games were the conventional form of learning and books were introduced after them, people would have the same reaction to books. He says that people are just resistant to change and adapting to modes like television and video games as learning sources it just a matter of being better acclimatized with them. Video games benefits are simply not limited to better hand and eye coordination, it offers much more. In retrospect, video gaming is a more effective form of learning for it is more engaging, interactive and generally more enduring. It packages learning with the element of diversion delivering lessons without boring people. In fact, many a time when individuals are not playing, they are thinking about how to overcome a particular obstacle in the game. As such, video games encourage and foster personalised as well as mental development. The writer of the book comes across as impartial. True he has very strong beliefs about the pop culture especially video games believing them to be a positive driver of the society. However, it cannot be ignored that the writer acknowledges the other point of view and gives it due consideration.

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