
Saturday, March 16, 2019

One Tear That Meant the World :: essays research papers

I have always enjoyed having a best fellow that was male. Whether we were swimming, jogging, fishing, or retributive talking for hours, I never got bored. We balance one another. I will never forget the day I disoriented that all. The day my best friend left ended up pitiable me the most. When I stepped outside, the pavement felt equal ice, yet the air had a warm breeze to it. It was a gorgeous August day. Not a single worry mingled in the air. The birds were chirping long, beautiful melodies. Melodies I had heard more mornings that summer. They sang when it was overtaking to be a wondrous day. Nothing seemed violate to anyone except to me. Today, my birthday, August first, my best friend was leaving for the Navy. He was going to serve our country. For six dreadful years, Id have to remain without him. The only communication would be a few cards and letter and one long distance call. This day reminded me of those long rainy years, the days where the clouds blocked out the suns bright rays of sunlight. The clock finally struck quaternary and it frightened me because the sweet sound of the clock seemed loud and harsh. It sounded kind of same(p) I was in a horror movie. I dreaded go across the street to say good bye to my dear friend, just now I knew I had to go. As I walked across the street it seemed like a mile. My legs ached and my throat was dry. I could hear the pattering of my feet on the pavement and the hunker of my heart racing about ninety miles a minute. I just wanted to run up to him and beg him to stay, but I knew I couldnt do that. I finally walked up to him and started to cry. I cried as though I had lost someone close to me, but I hadnt. There was a part of me that was dying. My heart was aching and I couldnt stop it. I hugged him for five minutes, but it only seemed like seconds. My divide started to disappear. He let me know how much hed overlook me and how he couldnt believe he was leaving. I could feel the separate startin g to come again, but I kept them in. I knew on that point was something I wanted to say, but I couldnt.

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