
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Essay --

Every accountable person understands what is in products such as hamburgers and fries, as well as the consequence to ones waistline, and potentially to ones health, of excessively take those pabulums over a extended boundary of time (Wald, 2003). This was a statement made by McDonalds lawyers in 2003 during a court case in which McDonalds was macrocosm sued for their failure to inform peck of the nutritional value of their feed. The vast absolute majority of overweight or rotund people in the get together States waste gotten that way due to a lack of care when it comes to the fares they eat, specifically debased food. The prohibit effects of refrain food on health is general knowledge in the United States, but most people look at to ignore it and doing so has resulted in America being labelled as the fattest country in the world. Some of these negative effects include a recent surge in obesity in both children and adults, food addiction that people are not aware t hat they have, and life-altering weight link up sicknesses and diseases. A major player in these and many other negative things has been the fast food industry as a whole.The fast food industry has had a tremendous effect on the economy of the United States over the past 30 years. Over a short period of time, the amount of money Americans go past on fast food has change magnitude dramatically. In 1972 Americans spent $3 billion on fast food, and in 2003 $110 billion was spent on fast food (Ingram, 2005). It has been shown that Americans spend more on fast food than many recreational activities that you would typically imagine to cost more. Annually, Americans spend more on fast food than movies, books, magazines, videos and recorded music combined (Schlosser, 2005). Even in an economic recession... ...Obese people are bringing a variety of preventable hardships onto themselves by take fast food, but they are not able to stop eating it due to its addictive nature (Brownell, 2004 ). Not only does fast food have no nutritional value, but it does more harm than reasoned for you (Carmona, 2007). After people stuff themselves full of fast food, two hours subsequent they are starving again, which results in them wanting more fast food. This is a vicious cycle in America that must be lost soon, because as the sum ups of overweight and obese people rise, so does the bite of people dying unnecessarily early deaths due to the effects of fast food. If people start moderating their fast food intake and give more attention to things such as calorie information, the amount of obese people in America will decrease, and so will the number of deaths, resulting in a healthier nation.

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