
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Critique of Geoffrey Canadas Fist Stick Knife Gun Essay -- Fist Stick

Critique of Geoffrey Canadas Fist Stick Knife GunThe rule book Fist Stick Knife Gun by Geoffrey Canada is a biographic account of his childhood in the south Bronx. He and his 4 companions were elevated by only their m other. She would survive on no more than decade dollars a week. He moved several times as a child until fin anyy landing on union avenue, the place were some of his life lessons were learned and at times applied. He learned round the ranking process of kids on union Ave. and how the only way to remediate your status was to use your fists to fight your way up the chain. Looking hazard Geoffrey Canada notices the major(ip) shift in attitudes concerning the rules of the streets. What once was harmless fist conflict has now turned over to guns. His opinions can be seen in his name Fist Stick Knife Gun. One of the earliest lessons he ever learned was from his mother. She told whole four of her boys to never let the great unwashed think they were afraid and that the y were never to become victims. This is shown with individually word that Canada uses in his title. The first phase of his life consisted of Fist. He recalls the time when he first moved to due north Ave and he was trapped inside his flatcar because he hadnt established himself in the neighborhood. He would sit up in his 3rd floor apartment and jealously looked on, as all the other kids would play in the streets. One day his older brother John had enough and walked outside to face his fate. The rest of his brothers followed and eventually each got beat up as a pass to the streets. None of them showed their fears or their pain, a lesson that they first learned from their mother. This was only one of many move/ factors in becoming an established individual not to be reckoned with. come on was the other factor to be considered. The older you were, the more respect you got from others. there were the young adults, who were the biggest and badest on the block. They werent usually a round to defend their superoxide dismutase because they all belonged to a gang, however everyone knew they ruled all. Next were the mid-teen boys who were the real rulers of Union Ave (18) They were the ones who enforced the rules. The lower categories were the early teens and the pre teens. The early teens were just learning the rules whereas the pre teens couldnt go off of the sidewalk. Geoffrey belonged to the lowest rung, the sidewalk group. As time wen... ...hese rules. They may seem unfair and even ridiculous to us outsiders, but thats because we have more options of obtaining success than those caught in the belly of the slums. These codes are all that they have and without them, they would have no meaning in their gets, nothing to live up to day in and day out. They give these people a reason to wake up in the morning and a hotshot of pride that cant be provided in any other way. Geoffrey Canada gives his readers a rare opportunity to look inside the life of a ghetto ki d and what they have to go through just to survive. He too provides answers to the many questions asked of why certain things happen the way they do in the Bronx. He used his childhood experiences and turned them into a unique ray when helping the youth of today. Now that he works as a youth councilor he sees that the problem in the slums has gotten dramatically worse with the process of guns. It used to be about pride and status, now any punk with a gun can be feared in the community. This, to Canada is a major problem because guns gives kids a sense of power, a strong feeling that is practically abused and results in someone, even an innocent person dead.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Stephen King Ars Poetica on Horror

Danse dour, he views Lovecraft as a major imp get along in the field of dark plague fiction writing and also acknowledges the concomitant that great power himself attended him as a major source of inspiration, which was embedded In his style of writing. When he reminisces about how he got Introduced to the genre, he states that his first gazump of the countless texts happened to be genius of Lovecrafts improvident st angiotensin-converting enzymes. world-beater mentions, that although many consider this writer as a hack. hat could be clearly seen from his appropriates is that the man himself took his accomplishment eriously* (Danse ghastly 1 17), Based on the superior offense works that Lovecraft produced, Stephen poove sh bes the belief, that the most powerful crimes could only work, if the lector felt the weight of the size of the universe and the contradictory size of one individual, and these works implied such non mentioned forces so powerful, that they could destroy us each(prenominal) If they so a great deal as grunted In their sleep (Danse Macabre 80).This, as a matter of fact, Is the basis for all xenophobic tales and serves as a basis tor creating the scary atmosphere and which Lovecraft efers to as cosmic fear. We film realized that a working section of alarming is one that has the office to acquire a connection with our face of fear. However, this cannot stand by itself and it is the writers responsibility to acquaint these embodiments.A great amount of imagination is essential from the reviewers part for the piece of evil to work, King however looks at imagination some(prenominal) as a blessing and a curse (Danse Macabre x), since pot with a long Imagination be the sanest, most down-to-earth people, they are clear on the dangers posed on our cursory Ilfe rom almost any direction. King refers to this phenomenon as seeing in darker spectrums (Danse Macabre x), which is a healthy watch on the world, healthier than the so-called ostrich policy, where one acts as if the chore is non-existent.That is wherefore he Jokingly mentions readers of horror as sick, entirely merry puppies (Danse Macabre x). Accepting the fact that threats are all around us one becomes it easier to go on with flavor, since this can be viewed as accept our fatality rate and not being clouded by delusions of Invlnclblllty. However, merely reallzlng the dangers Is not ufficient, one has to watch out not to go to extremes because neither could work, both ends of the extreme reject something vitally important to our everyday life.That is why it is arrogant to find a balance between reality and imagination. And since readers of horror have a pretty stable mindset despite the topics they are education about, we can take for with King when he calls readers of horror saner the average person (Danse Macabre Why Horror Is Needed To some extent every person haves horror In their life according to King. He believes that by exposing ourselves to unreal and fearful scenarios through different media, e conserve a therapy that is most beneficial to our healthy mindset.King mentions in his foreword of his scant(p) story collection Night Shift, that many view the love of horror as an unhealthy obsession. He calls it slowing down and looking at the accident syndrome (3), because people are curious by nature, always looking for stories and break ups, blush though they may not find one. And when the time comes that one has to Tina tne answer, It may not De solved alone.I nat Is wny Klng says tnat norror fiction is a safety valve, a manakin of dreaming awake (Danse Macabre x), which means hat it is used to let compact out, since as he says the world of our normal lives looks ever so much better when the bad dream ends. We take refuge in earn terrors, we know evil is lurking around and seeing it come to life reassures us of the fact, that we are not paranoid and there are other people out there who thin k alike about the dangers in our everyday lives. It is a battle one has to fght with a real life sensation by oneself.But a horror fiction can only work if the reader is personally touched. They grope into our sub sure minds, and find the things so dread we annot articulate them and confront them (Danse Macabre xi), which is in Stephen Kings opinion a interpretation of horror of good quality and what every artist should strive to satisfy when creating a tale that was meant to scare. By stimulating our psychological pressure come out (Danse Macabre 86) as he calls it usually in connection with our own mortality writers qualification be able to evoke the type of fear that King is trying to describe.This however has to be done not on a direct aim, but with the use of symbols in the horror piece. The writers strive to bring forth a dream-like tmosphere in hopes of illustrating or recreating the nature of their problem in the readers mind. Dreams are volatile forms of coping, u nless it hits the pressure points, the impact might not be as deep and it might be forgotten in a short amount of time. As King puts it A great horror story is one that functions on a symbolic level, using fictional (and sometimes supernatural) events to swear out us understand our own deepest real fears (Danse Macabre xi).He emphasizes understand here and avoids axiom know, because if one is introduced to it without actually having the roper back fundament explained one would lack the ability to confront it or would not be able to come up with a plan to tackle it. Only supernatural elements, however, make it harder for the reader to exercise their suspension of disbelief another essential tool has to be integrated, which is none other than realistic elements. In his book King mentions, that he particularly remembers a movie, which had a great impact on him The Blair enamor Project.Since it is a movie, it has visuals to work with as well as music, and although it was made with a small budget, it looked and it felt eal, according to King. Although in the movie itself there is not much action and we do not see the witch, Just by placing it in a very realistic environment, it made the film believably true, further supporting the intellection of realism as a ground for suspense. But making a good horror is hard, since the genre and the audition are constantly changing in the sense that new topics emergency to be introduced every once in a enchantment.Horror writing is a very volatile and delicate form of art, says King, and it is in constant motivating of innovation. What worked once may not work again, catching ightning in a bottle, revisiting the same ideas may wear out after a time (Danse Macabre xii). As time passes the object of peoples fears are changing, while at the same time it stays the same on an natural level, that is why horror writers need to invent new ways to make us fear the unknown and to let us indulge in its dark atmosphere.Horror wo rks on two levels gross-out level, meaning the distasteful images and the exorbitant monsters in the tale, and on a more potent level, describing horror as a kind of dance, a slow rhythmic search for our deepest level of emotions, he simple and brutally plane hole of a pitfall Age cave-dweller (Danse Macabre 218). I nls Is Daslcally slmllar to wnat LovecraTt was trylng to explaln In nls essay, tne instinctive fear that has been put forward since people exist.So we can conclude that the definition of a real danse macabre is when the creator of a horror story is able to unite the conscious and the subconscious mind with one potent idea, usually with a frighten away of realism and an equal amount of supernatural used, so that the readers can compose rely on their suspension of disbelief. Is Horror Art? We have established, that for a good horror to be written, many elements have to be in place. And that raises the question is horror a form of art.Although this is a yes- no questio n, the answer to this is not as simple as it looks like. Not every piece of this genre can be viewed as a form of art, because some(prenominal) elements have to work together to create a good horror story. King goes ahead and claims that since it was composed like a piece of music or painting, and it was looking for something that would predate art phobic pressure points (Danse Macabre 18), then we can safely all horror an art form. This point of view might be a bit biased King himself admits that he is an avid fan of the genre.He does agree with the fact that some narratives are not as well thought out as they should be, but he does not mention that by doing so, they are failing to fulfill their primary purpose of introducing readers to their own fears. Carroll on the other hand has a more critical approach on the subject he agrees that it might as well be an artistic genre, but generalization of it should be avoided (38). He calls horror a concept with fuzzy and perhaps ontogeny oundaries, which basically suggests that it does not require a tight definition.We could try and reason horror by how well it exerts the phobic pressure point idea. closely works are able to find the so-called national phobic pressure points which as the name suggests, is not aimed at the individual, it is experienced on a grander scale -, most successful pieces of horror media always plays upon and give tongue to fears which exist across a wide spectrum of people, fears often political, economic, and psychological quite a than supernatural. In connection to this phenomenon King entions the time, when the movie version of Invasion of the physical structure Snatchers came out.The motion picture had come out at the time of the cerise Scare, when people were afraid that their close friends or even relatives might be communists. The movie tells the story of an everyday American little town, with everyday American people who are slowly being replaced by pod-people, who look and a ct like the switched humans. We can see the parallelism between the two and although Finney, whose book was the one that got adapted into film format, claimed that the story itself was written ithout any clothed of a political undertone.But because of the timing, it has emerged as one of the most well-known horror tales. Another example of well-timed symbolism that has affected big audiences would be the emerging of the zombie culture. Taking a look at the historic overview, we can determine that this fad has been gaining ground since the terrorist-scare in America. The image of ruthless, animalistic, manifestly unstoppable beings that only know how to kill and hunt people without compunction would be exactly how the American government tries to depict errorists.We can agree that applying pressure on the national phobic pressure points work, still, King raises an kindle paradox about the issue it is a generally accepted idea that negative emotions are usually associated with mob instincts, when in reality these are what drive wedges between individuals, and then we are lett alone wltn our Tears, ana In adroitness tney ao not unlte us. Yurtnermore ne asks wny we need make-believe horror when there is so much real horror going on in life (Danse Macabre 27).Or putting it another way why people need stories of isintegration, Just to, by outletting our pent up emotions, bring them back to a constructive state again. The answer is right there in the question, to benefactor people cope with the harshness of reality in the form of entertainment. this feeling of reintegration, arising from a field specializing in death, fear, and monstrosity, that makes a danse macabre so honor and magical that, and the boundless ability of the human imagination to create unending dream worlds and then put them to work (Danse Macabre 28) explains Stephen King why he chose this particular media to express himself.

Clashes of Race Essay

Abstract The economic consumption of this paper is to explore racism and inconsistency at heart America. It was also a goal to show the relationships in the midst of racial clashes through with(predicate)out story, and what the advise female genitalia the clashes was. By showing these clashes purchase order gets a better understand of what triggers these put to death inside society. Running oral sex CLASHES OF scat fellow feeling THE PURPOSE In the rather complex world in which society d heartys on, society lacks gustatory sensation for the simplicity of the universe. one act or idea can get reliable events that affect the course of history.To understand history, it is essential for society to notion at the causes behind the significance of an event. racial dissimilarity has spawned social clashes between paganities for generations, and it overcompensates to do so. to understand the significance of these events, it is important to analyze the source of these ra cial clashes throughout history. analyzing the sources of these events provides, if any, patterns of human nature in response to mistreatment due to racial profiling. it is also essential to analyze the basic principles of discrimination within the ordinal century and what society faces in turn over mean solar day.Before analyzing racial discrimination in the twenty-first century, the vastness of understanding the different types of racism is needed. at that place be two types of discrimination that society faces present day, direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. direct discrimination by definition, is when an individual or classify is singled out directly by society or an individual establish on there race. indirect discrimination is when an individual is singled out surreptitiously by an individual or group. this is more prevalent within present day culture, compared to direct discrimination.The reason being that racism in the twenty-first century is less agr eeable among society. the government issue of racism is that it is less acceptable within fresh day society is racism taking on a more enigmatic face. Running school principal CLASHES OF hunt UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE social clashes that resulted from direct discrimination have been obscure of the States for decades. prime pillowcases of direct discrimination are famously the wars and massacres enacted on previous(predicate) native the Statesns. The reasons for these attacks on native the Statesns were due to new clothetlers in the States wanting to acquire resources from the natives themselves.The colonists believed that the natives way of life was small to their own, due to the savageness of their own human nature. This is a prime ex amperele of micro-aggression in early American culture. Such events such as the racetrack of tears and many new(prenominal) attacks on the native americans way of life was justified due to the idea of manifest destiny, which is a belief tha t the territory was a divine gift to the american colonist. This resulted in constant conflict between american society and native americans in the twenty-first century. it is important to understand how micro-aggression works and operates in the twenty-first century.With modern society changing into a more diversified culture in the United States, it is important to understand how indirect discrimination works in modern society. Society by nature tends to group themselves within certain micro-cultures, it is important to understand this important dynamic due to its purpose within society. this dynamic by nature forces ethnicities to side with a certain set of social norms and values. (West,2004) examples of how this affects modern day society would best be expound by conflict with interracial marriages and racial generalization.Ethnic grouping has been apart of america since the beginning of american society. the colonist settled in america based on their religions and values, in which the colonist Running Header CLASHES OF RACE UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE had previously in britain. more modern examples of ethnic grouping would be groups, such as the shocking panther party, naacp are examples of more modern cases of ethnic grouping. (Jablonski,2012) the common feature of todays society, also well known as mass media, has a spacious impact on racial conflictions with the populace of todays society. unmatchable psychological principle swears that if an picture show or idea is shown repetitively that the image or idea will leave an imprint on the mind, later(prenominal) on making the mind recognize the image or political orientation as normalcy. (Yosso,2002) the mainstream media controls the public agenda, as well as the emotions reflected within society. the mass media needs to recognize the effect in which it has on society, the purpose of the media should be to promote the truth of a matter accurately. This would help remnant out racial out lashes betwe en ethnic neighborhood, as well as riots and other ethnic protest.(Vann,2006) in recent times of society, racism in north america has went through a major transformation, in particular after the post-civil rights era where the democrats believed in equality for all types of ethnicities that specifically did not get along throughout the history of racism in society(Wamsted,D,2012). This shows the progression of mutation within America. however, even with change in equality the confederation still shows a higher percentage of direct discrimination as well as indirect discrimination in modern day society than the north.Some examples of the result of discrimination can best be depicted is social out lashes of an ethnic communities. this can be shown through protest, as well as more Running Header CLASHES OF RACE UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE serious demonstrations such as riots. the causes of these demonstrations can be a number of reasons, but one pattern that is shown throughout histo ry is that most social out lashes resulted due to mistreatment among their race. an example of this would be the los angeles riots of 1992.The riots resulted from sextet officers found not guilty that were accused of beating a calamitous male, rodney king. the riots lasted for six days, and resulted in thousands of injuries and fifty-three deaths. (Watts,2011) however, not every(prenominal) protest result in death and injury. through the civil rights era many protesters believed in the nonviolent approach of martin luther king jr. most protesters believed in sit-ins, boycotts, and other forms of nonviolent forms of protest. however, the effects of racism and discrimination has not stopped america from diversifying, but rather fueled individualism among minorities within america.A field of operation shows that more minorities are striving for higher education within america. derek bok describe in 2000 in his book The Shape of the River that eighty-six percent of black students w ho enrolled in twenty-eight selective universities across the nation were apart of the conservative or upper-middle class. This shows not only an increase in African american on college campus, but also the percentage of success among blacks with a motionless financial backing. This trend is important to understand due to the progression of diversity within america.It is prevalent that not only income have increased among african americans, but also the number of blacks going to college compared to college statistics of the 1990s and 1980s. (Harring-Smith,2012) to understand the importance of an action, is in essence the greatest ideology or knowledge to grasp. for every action within society has an effect on history. The Running Header CLASHES OF RACE UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE importance of diversity within society continues to show progression. however, racism will always have its place within society.Society has to continue to evolve as well as continue to educate the youth in society to limit the grasp that racism has on america, whether the discrimination is indirect or direct. weve got to face the fact that close to people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. we say you dont fight racism with racism. were gonna fight racism with solidarity. -Fred Hampton Running Header CLASHES OF RACE UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE References Haring-Smith, T. (2012). Broadening Our Definition of Diversity. Liberal Education, 98(2), 6. Jablonski, N. (2012).The fight down to overcome racism. New Scientist, 215(2880), 26. Vann, A. (2006, June 29). Sometimes the allegation of reverse racism is camo for maintaining the status quo. New York Amsterdam News. p. 13. Wamsted, D. J. (2012). Opening Doors for Diversity. Electric Perspectives, 37(3), 26. Watts. (2011). Columbia electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1. West, E. (2004). Expanding the Racial Frontier. Historian, 66(3), 552. doi10. 1111/j. 1540-6563. 2004. 00088. x Yosso, T. J. (2002). Critical Race Media Literacy gainsay Deficit Discourse about Chicanas/os. Journal Of Popular Film & Television, 30(1), 52.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Best Leader Essay

INTRODUCTIONThat I had chosen is Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad which is our Malaysian fourth skin rash subgenus Pastor of Malaysia. He is one of a rock-steady Malaysian politic leader. He held the post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, make him Malaysias longest serving ready Minister. His political career spanned closely 40 years. Born and raised in Alor Setar, Kedah, Mahathir excelled at school and became a medical doctor. He became active in the United Malays National arrangement (UMNO), Malaysias largest political party, before entering parliament in 1964. He served one term before losing his seat, before falling out with the therefore rush Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman and being expelled from UMNO. When Abdul Rahman resigned, Mahathir re-entered UMNO and parliament, and was promoted to the Cabinet. By 1976, he had risen to Deputy Prime Minister, and in 1981 was sworn in as Prime Minister later on the resignation of his predecessor, Hussein Onn.ACHIEVEMENTSTun Dr Mahathir Mo hammad had achieved lot of exercise during being a Prime Minister of Malaysia. He brings many equitable programs, mission and mass to Malaysia such(prenominal) as Wawasan 2020, first Malaysia carsProton , good education system and many more. in that location were lots of changes happen in Malaysia during his Management. Although he was rise from an ordinary family, he begets a successful person in his life. This is indeed the great achievement of Tun Dr Mahathir in his twenty-two years as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. In my opinion an award is given to Tun Dr Mahathir in recognition for his achievement in changing, the mental altitude of the Malaysians. We can say that Tun Dr Mahathir is able to change to a certain extent the negative mental attitude of the Malaysians to a unconditional mental attitude. Tun Dr Mahathir has come with the slogan that change the negative mental picket of the Malaysians to become positive mental outlook and this has becomes the basis towards ma king Malaysia an sort out ahead state of matter by the year 2020.Tun Dr Mahathir has set the vision that Malaysia is to become an declare country by the year 2020. An advance country to Tun Dr Mahathir is not only when advancing materially but excessively spiritually. He wants Malaysia to becomes advance in all fields and to become advance in their thinking and achievements. In order to achieve vision 2020 all Malaysians especially the Prime Ministers must cling to the vision, slogan set by Tun Dr Mahathir. Unfortunately the Prime Ministers Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi comes with the vision of Islam Hadari, and the Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak comes with the slogan of Satu Malaysia. In my opinion, we should stick to the vision, slogan set by Tun Dr Mahathir. All of us should work hard to achieve the vision that is to make Malaysia an advance country in the year 2020.During the cartridge holders when Tun Dr Mahathir becomes the Prime Minister of Malaysia, there were so many infrastructure developments in Malaysia. We shoot the north and south highways built during his time, the twin towers, once the highest building in the world, the airport and many others built during his time as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Malaysians are sent abroad to study and acquire knowledge and it is during his time that Malaysia start sending students to Japan and Korea.Tun Dr Mahathir is in the opinion that we do not sent student only to acquire knowledge but also to acquire good works attitudes. Since the Japanese and Koreans have better working(a)s attitudes than the Americans and Europeans, the decision made by Tun Dr Mahathir to send our students to these countries to learn good working attitudes are commendable. Tun Dr Mahathir knows very sanitary that having only knowledge without good working attitudes will not make Malaysia an advance country. In order to become an advance country Tun Dr Mahathir want the Malaysians to acquire knowledge as well as to acquire good working attitude.CHANGES IN MALAYSIACONCLUSIONAs a conclusion, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad is a great man and a very good leader which I saw in my life. A simple formula man changes the country to become a one of the top country in the world. He is a good and intelligent leader, bring along our Malaysia community to a become a successful community by his good management.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Edgar Allen Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher Essay

The knightly tradition has played a central role in creating architecture, poetry, literature, film and even artistic creation, such as heat content F utiliselis 1781 characterisation, The Nightmare. Oscar Wilde borrowed heavily from the mediaeval tradition when creating his 1890s fiction, The supply of Dorian colour in and in this es set up I am rosy ink to be looking at certain(a) Gothic sections of Oscar Wildes novel where he utilizes the fundamental aspects of the Gothic tradition. I will be looking into The depiction of Dorian Gray and how Wilde plays on the horror, the repulsive, the suspense and the supernatural that all ease up to a Gothic mood.The term Gothic commands a vast semantic field of varied terrain a range of meanings, definitions and associations. It is at that placefore in truth ambitious to define because it covers such a broad portfolio of different aspects.Historically the Goths were angiotensin converting enzyme of the several Germanic trib es who were angiotensin-converting enzyme of the communitys who innocent(p)d Europe from the clutches of the Roman Empire, culminating in its collapse in 476 AD. History itself has manipulated the term Gothic to be associated with the report of independence. One of the reasons the Gothic music genre is so arduous to define is that it is ceaselessly evolving and so after macrocosm associated with freedom it began to be linked with dreams. The harsh hierarchy of the squeamish era meant that the l unity(prenominal) place you could explore received freedom was in your dreams. And so again the bringing close together evolved once more to nightmares where you could explore the dark side of human nature.The Gothic novel offset printing became popular in England during the late 1700s and the early 1800s. At the end of the ordinal century, England found itself in the midst of a social upheaval and it was step forward of this that the gothic genre emerged. The Gothic novel wa s invented almost single handledly by Horace Walpole, whose 1764 novel The Castle of Otranto contains essentially all the elements that constitute the genre. Walpoles novel was imitated non only in the 18th century and not only in novel form moreover in wish manner in poetry, art and even later films.Poes, 1839, novel The Fall of the House of Usher, as well as possesses the innate features of the Gothic tale a haunted house, dreary landscape, secluded sickness and doubled personality (which will be discussed in a later paragraph).A mysterious family or preceding(a) is a very popular origin through stunned the Gothic genre and this is clearly spare in The Fall of the House of Usher, where Poe likens the house to the genetic family debate of the Usher family, which he refers to as the house of Usher. In the novel the build is described as neglectedcrumblingolddiscoloured1 which refers not only to the signboard itself exclusively is a potent metaphor for the Usher family itself. Furthermore in The personation of Dorian Gray we discriminate that Dorians prehistoric is exactly this. His typical Gothic family history includes duels to the death, suicide, young brides and romantic marriages. This also shows the obvious link between the Romantic Movement and the Gothic. One could say that the Gothic genre is Romanticism gone wrong. For example they two fork out castles but in the Gothic the castles tend to be derelict or haunted and, demoiselles in straiten are seen in both genres as well.Throughout the Victorian era women were thought of as al moods creation virtuous even though the expected behaviour of a economise was the complete opposite. The Gothic genre was an escape from reality and so in the genre emerged the controversial use of women not as pure, chaste people but as monsters and seductresses. Such examples of this could be the tragic death of Dorian Grays lover, Sibyl Vain she had swallowed somethingsome dreadful thing they use at th eatreseither prussic acid or white lead2 The girls death is typically gothic through the undefiled horrifying nature of the death, swallowing acid, and highlights the waste of tangible life.In addition the women at the opium den is primal gothic, where she asks James Vain why didnt you get the better of him Dorian Gray3, which is a horrific question in itself. It is said that she hissed out these words, which is a potent onomatopoeia, as if she is a snake a typically shake up and monstrous creature to some. Also her face is described as haggard4, and is perchance used by Wilde as if to liken her to a witch, only adds to the gothic aura. When James Vain looks back the women had vanished5, making the women await in a way, supernatural, another crucial chemical group in a gothic break up of literature. This was very effective to the Victoria audience as it was totally out of the normal and something that many would never dream of seeing.Furthermore writers in the Victorian era used many contempory issues as a basis of their workings in order to bring the horror more to life. In Robert Louis Stevensons Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the horrific murder of Sir Carew was linked to the similar murders by the infamous seaman the Ripper.This theme is very common, and recurrent in many gothic art forms. In Francis Ford Coppolas, 1992 film, Bram Stokers Dracula Lucy after being bitten by Dracula, starts to become mysteriously sick and evil. Soon after there is a scene where she is about to feed on a baby, demonstrating how the damozel in distress has became evil. Women in Dracula are made into characters to forethought rather than the embodiment of purity and goodness.Damsels in distress are also in Poes story where Rodericks sister, Madeline is entombed before she has actually died. This idea is evident in The Picture of Dorian Gray as well, where the damsel is Sibyl Vane who dies early on in the novel however one could also say that Basil, the artist who painted th e portraiture, is the damsel in distress too.The Gothic genre allowed you to escape from reality, to explore freedom elsewhere and in The Picture of Dorian Gray Dorian tries to find a freedom that takes him away from his reality and his ever-growing sins. The opium dens offer him this release from his memory which are visualized like a horrible malady, that was eating his soul away6.This is proven by the fact that Dorian Gray flees to one of these dens, after murdering Basil Hallward to presumably forget about the awfulness of his actions by losing conciseness in a drug induced languor. The dens located in the most derelict sites of London, maybe represent the squalid state of Dorian Grays head teacher and the actual dens described with words as tattereddulled ill-shapengreasyochre-coloured saw dustspilt liquor7, perhaps reflect his mortification of his soul. Drugs seem to deliver a new tempry freedom for Dorian to experience. Drugs seem to give a freedom which is what the Gothic represents in its entirety.One of the elements of the Gothic is the horrific and this is very vividly brought to life in The Picture of Dorian Gray where Sible Vane kills herself with prussic acid and also when Alan Campbell graphically destroys Basil Hallward body in Dorians attic which is almost like Mary Shelleys Gothic novel, Frankenstein reversed.The main idea of a Gothic novel was the fright and so in Wildes novel this is used frequently. The use of outlying(prenominal) off lands terrifying to the Victorian audience, is a key effect, and one relating to the pi fate light idea of the Gothic, although the Victorian Gothic novel found little involve for ruins, rugged landscapes and derelict castles, the new landscape was the city as a source for menace and the dark. For example on Dorians way to the opium dens one day Wilde describes the route with prime Gothic vocabulary dimly-lit streets, past gaunt black-shadowed archways and evil-looking houses grotesque childrenmonstrou s apes8. For the upper classes reading the handwriting, would never aim been to the dark east end of London so they were left flavor as though they were in some desolate wild place. some other effect Wilde utilizes to scare the audience is how he likens inanimate objects to living things such as when he describes shadows as if they were alive. For example the way that Wilde likens shadows to living things tremendous shadows were silhouetted against some lamp-lit blind they moved like monstrous marionettes, and made gestures like living things9. Wilde is also able to make shadows frightening, by personifying the darkness the eve darkened in the room. Noiselessly, and with silver feet, the shadows crept in from the garden. The colours faded tiredly out of things10. From these extracts Wilde creates a typical Gothic mood that is dark and scary. there are some sections of Wildes book that seem as though they are describing certain Gothic works of art namely Henry Fusels, 1781, The Nightmare where he exploits all the original Gothic traits into a painting showing a women lying on a bed with a grotesque creature on her chest. Also it has many shadows and an ere horse in the background. The picture has all the elements that make the Gothic genre dark setting, broad(a) of shadows, odd creatures, a damsel in distress and the unnatural.The Gothic theme is also represented in the painting, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters by Goya, 1799.They both have in the paintings a person sleeping and Gothic images close to them suggesting that they are in the persons dreams.Double personalities, or doppelganger is used a lot among Gothic writers and is demonstrated in The Fall of the House of Usher, with Roderick and Madeline, the menage and the genetic Usher family and this element occurs also in The Picture of Dorian Gray with Dorian. In the novel the double personality is Dorian and his painting, Dorian representing the physical and the painting representing the insi de or the soul of Dorian. further the theme is much more widely spread and is in other Gothic works such as Robert Louis Stevensons Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.As in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde where one character, transforms in to another, when Dorian Gray has the idea to kill Basil Hallward, his breathe in is described in the book as the mad passions of a capture animal that stirred within him11. This particularly animalistic description, perhaps serves to highlight the gothic genre even more by making a comparison between animals, that are not restricted in fellowship to act in a certain way, and are thus free to act as they please. By stark contrast, Dorian Gray as a human is restricted to act in a certain way, that is considered morally correct. His act of killing, in human society is considered as a sin.The supernatural is key in increasing the horror of a gothic novel, such as the fact that Dracula does not have chiding in the mirror. In addition when Harker describes how Dracula le ft the castle I saw the whole man slowly emerge from the window and began to kotow down the castle wall12 from this extract we can see that Dracula is a supernatural character as his actions are unexplainable.However the supernatural theme running through the book, reaches a dramatic zenith with Dorians end. His fatal error is absolutely supernatural with the description of the unidentifiable wrinkly old man where there had recently been a vibrant youth adding to both the awful moral and supernatural effect of the novel. to a higher place all the most gothic and supernatural thing in the book is the portrait of Dorian Gray himself. The painting acts as a counselling to Dorian and almost becomes a moral barometer. After murdering Basil Hallward, the portrait reveals the sin by changing. The portrait is described as a flat solid that had sweated blood13, a blood that is expressed as a loathsome red dew that gleamed14. Dorian grows increasingly uncomfortable over the course of nove l with what the deface portrait signifies about himself. And as the novel progresses and the painting continues to register the effect of time and dissipation, and we start to see the degree to which Dorian is undone by the sins that his portrait reflects and the degree to which he suffers for allowing the painting to act as a Visible emblem of conscience.This in itself is a very gothic idea living a life without consequences and letting the portrait fatigue the sins and this is exactly what Dorian did until his sins caught up with him.The Victorian era was very baffling to live in because of its rigid structured social hierarchy that allowed no impurities or non ethnical or righteous ideas. However the Gothic genre allowed you to do all these things and to explore irrational fantasies and social taboos. This is probably why Wilde liked the genre because being a homosexual he could not explore his own freedom in his own life but instead he possibly explored this through the homoe rotic theme of novel. He managed to escape and explore another freedom through the gothic genre.The Picture of Dorian Gray is not an entire gothic novel but a fair amount is and I think that with the gothic sections Wilde has successfully created a primo piece of Gothic literature.1 The Picture of Dorian Gray, By Oscar Wilde, Published by Penguin.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Independent Reading Reflection

Over the spend I present five books for a total of 1308 pages. I read three fiction novels and two realistic fiction novels. For me one of my best- bedd books was the Dear John by Nicholas Sparks, which I had been wanting to read and in the end got around to it. Right from the start of the book, you could tell it would be a summertime love story, but what I didnt realize was how much you could sprightliness barely by how Nicholas Sparks set forth their feelings. As John went off to Germany for war, I could feel Savannahs sadness and fear as she scene this could be the last time she could see him alive.Not to mention how excruciation John was to come home to find Savannah happily unite and moved on with a new life. Overall, I loved how descriptive Dear John was and how you could feel like you were falling in love, just like them. Even though his books are usually stereotypical, The Choice overly by Nicholas Sparks was a not bad(p) book I read this summer. sooner of summe r romance, this time it was forbidden love. When neighbors Travis and voluble start off with a heated argument, Gabby soon finds herself with a strange attraction to the fun-loving, speculative Travis.One problem, she has a boyfriend, Kevin, whom she now has to choose between him and Travis as her love for him grows more and more. I loved this book because like Dear John, it had a love story but kind of, it started out with hatred and disapproval of to each one other but slowly grew to their love. Also in The Choice, Nicholas Sparks used great description of feelings and sights. For example, parasailing high above the sound he described exactly what they saw and felt and I felt like I were right there with them a hundred feet above the water too.I cant leave out that first dark they met Gabby was fuming at Travis when she thought his dog got her perfect, purebred collie pregnant. Not to mention the night Travis first kissed her and she suddenly thought what life could be like w ith Travis, instead of Kevin. I chose Dear John and The Choice as my favorite books from this summer because they both had great description and plot lines, even if you could somewhat foretell the ending . I love when I can picture boththing that is passing on in a book and remember almost every detail, and these both did that for me.

MBA Essay Writing for B-Schools Essay

I interject from a land of odd physical beauty and the home of my heart- India. Today, I consider myself extremely providential to be here in United States which is also known for its vanquish Academic Curriculums. For past two grades, ever since I moved to States, I had been hoping and planning to earn an MBA degree and am excited to now be on the cusp of making that dream a reality. Ive come a long way from the shy college freshman who initially could simply even thought of being a Class Representative because it would have so much interaction with the fellow students and faculty, whom I hardly knew. only if I conquered those first challenges and went on to become the facultys pet. My mode hasnt always been easy, but through the challenges and goals Ive set for myself, Ive grown into a Confident, Thoughtful and Respected leader at my convey place and personal life. And I know that these new skills will take to heart me well as I embark on this next pedant challenge and th e calling I see before me post MBA. Ive chosen this specific MBA program because it provides strong conceptual oversight into the red-brick practice of management and good understanding of how to apply the theory we memorialize in the course room to practice in the backing environment.I see this as perfectly in-step with my goal of pursuing a career as a leading Marketing professional. I am positive(predicate) the continued group work with my fellow students from various back lawsuit will serve to cement my new found confidence in my own abilities and ideas. My interest in Marketing first sparked during my first year of Bachelors in Advertising, Sales Promotion and Sales Management when I conducted a workshop on Personal Selling skills, in the college campus and was awarded with the Creative power certificate.I was also selected to work for the State Level Exhibitions & evenhandedly for which I was awarded with the certificate of honor in making the event successful. Later , afterward a couple of On the job training during my semesters, I spotless my undergraduate with distinction and all geared up for the Big reposition hence forth.. In this ever broad global market place, I am aware of what an asset being a Multi-educated is, and to that end I plan to pursue my studies further before I hit the market. at that place how I pursued a one year International contain Graduate Diploma in Risk Management to improve my marketability. currently later, I was offered to work with a Portal Company where I gained practicable experience for about an year designated as Communication Analyst. Currently, if I am admitted to your program, I will bring with me Enthusiasm, Dedication and a robust work ethic. I am proud of what I have completed thus far in my life and see much of it as a stepping stone towards a successful future in the business world. I now need to expand my skill set beyond its current level and I see the curriculum offered at Adelphi Universi ty as a perfect way to do so.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Political, Economical, Social Effects of Globalization

Globalization has been the main melodic theme of roughly news articles, magazines and rase to more or less policies that exist in galore(postnominal) countries nearly the populace today. Globalization transforms versatile returnics and ideas in order to stick up with a new posit of products and services that will tint the present lead of the merchandise.With the increasing know leadge of legion(predicate) scholars regarding the do of orbicularisation to political, neighborly, and economic status of un deal nations across the globe, it would be extraordinary on observing how people from several(predicate) walks of life react to the benefits and pretermits that globalisation has been fling to the transnational participation.Though, galore(postnominal) still believes that there are far much losers than gainers with the existence of globalisation in the global community, the circumstance that the state global phenomenon continuous to turn prevalent even to the growing countries nowadays deals as the evidence that globalisation is indeed having affluent deviate to penetrate even the most conservative countries with respect to embracing global changes and pressures.Globalization has with child(p) both(prenominal) negative and positive resolutions to the bowl of politics, society, and economics and since these lead fields signifies the entire empyreans of a nation/ estate it would be indispensable and beneficial for a hold backn presidency to determine the effects of globalization on their country. This global phenomenon has been the source of down turns and agonistic advantages of different countries around the globe which can be seen to umteen authentic and developing countries of different roles around the globe.With the inability to determine the kind of effect that globalization is providing into a given country, there is a great possibility that either this country would be able to fully utilize their potential gai ns to its optimal take aim or this country would solely let globalization to destroy the stableness of its diverse vital sectors. Therefore, it would be very important to pinpoint the effects of globalization to the give tongue to place three fields above in order for a given country to determine how they will delectation globalization in order to attain impressive political, social, and economic stability in the present and coming years.At the end of this paper, expect a set of alternatives wherein countries can utilize globalization into their major source of warring advantage and ways in order to protect their interest on the negative effects of globalization into the various sectors of a given country. personal effects of Globalization to Political constancy Globalization has been organism associated with democracy for many political analysts say that in order to attain the optimal benefits of globalization star must first embrace democracy (Hewa & group A Stapleton 2 005 1-2).With the insertion of Bush administrations Freedom Agenda, which main accusative is to democratically transform Arabic countries through with(predicate) encouraging most Arabic countries to aerofoil their market globalization and with the opening of their market to international merchandise comes democratisation according to the speech made by Bush during the G8 Summit at Prague last 2007 (Burnett 2007 1) & (Yerkes 2006 1), presently the Middle East is becoming a democratic region as many countries are starting to open their market into the international market and embrace the idealism behind globalization.In this regard, it is illuminate that globalization provides enough force for most of the Arabic countries handle Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Pakistan to accept democracy and become virtuoso of the united States to promote democracy around the international community. Anformer(a) effect of globalizations jump out would be the relaxation of round of the seriou s international policies of different countries to give way on the entry of globalization into their doors. Globalization has been greatly associated with international craft and most countries concentrates on regulating their trading volume with opposite countries for the past years.Globalization promotes forgo market principle wherein there would be as much as possible less government rub that will happen in the market and this can but be achieved through the relaxation of some of the current government policies that impedes the existence of free market system in the international market. At the end of the day, by the judgment of conviction those serious government policies pertaining to international trading is already relaxed, because that is the only time wherein gains from globalization can be realized.The only thing that makes this scenario negative to some countries is that only the developed countries happens the highest benefits from the relaxation of government p olicies of the trading countries speckle developing countries are being left with fewer gains comparative to the developed countries. This is the main reason why many are contend to globalization since they believe that this will only make well-fixed countries richer while poor countries poorer considering that most of the benefits will still fall under the sides of rich/developed countries in the international market.Furthermore, globalization is said to be deteriorating the impropriety of many countries around the globe as pressures coming from the external market continues to leave no room for less influential countries to oppose the demands of developed countries when it comes to shaping the formers international trading policies (Sarget 2003 3) & (Held & McGrew 2000 13). Like for instance, the get together States, for many years, has been keeping its hands to the policy making decisions of most developing countries want the Philippines which at first seems benefici al to both countries.But through close analysis unmatchable can see clearly that get together States already stands into the sovereignty of the Philippines while at the same time receives most of the benefits from the said trading partnership. In this regard, globalization serves as a scape in order for developed countries to easily hold on and gets into the sovereignty of developing countries like for the case of the Philippines wherein they left with no choice nevertheless grant the demands of the united States in exchange for a small come up of gain even if it will cost their sovereignty or autonomy. base from the identified effects of globalization above, it is therefore clear that globalization only benefits developed countries more while leaving developing countries with less gains. some(prenominal) developed and developing countries gain from the advent of globalization although it also led for the developed countries to get into the way of developing countries and b ecome more effectual in the international community compared. cause of Globalization to Social Stability. It was identified above that only the developed countries benefits more from the advent of globalization in the international community as compared to the developing countries. In response to this inequality, various groups, organizations of the society arrest been organizing mass demonstrations in order to condemn the said inequality when it comes to the distribution of gains from the advent of globalization plus the interference of most developed countries to the sovereignty of many developing countries.Pro and anti-globalization groups have been on conflict which created various social conflicts amid both parties. It has been identified that the locomote of globalization led for many countries to suffer from the lose of nationhood as many of its sector starts experiencing instability like geographical political instability, evidence of trans-border heathenish and religi ous identities to bring up a few.With this differences, political instability and conflict of various communities and civic groups within and outside the territorial boundaries of many countries around the globe caused by globalization was identified as one of the many reasons why cold war exists amidst many countries nowadays and from the past and one possible example to this would be the cold war between Yugoslavia and Soviet Union. The big question now would be if whether democracy, which is caused by globalization, could solve the inside stability that reigns on many countries nowadays (Raghavan 1997 1).Another social effect of globalization would be the down turn of the weary fraternity in many countries like the case of the United States. During the 1970s when the presence of globalization starts to exist in the market system of United States, there was a pressure for the economy of the United States to recover afterward World contend II thereby leading for the rise of the private sector and rise of the free market system on the domestic market of United States.In this regard, most of the federal laws and regulations stand-ined the interest of private sector leaving labor summation with less bargaining occasion and support from the government in the form of government policies. Labor union membership in the United States during that time starts to deteriorate as the working course of instruction begins to lose their trust regarding the power of labor unions to protect the interest of its members.Actually, it was not only the membership of labor union that was affected, even the number of labor union on the domestic market of United States begins to decline resulting to rampant(ip) injustices coming from the members of the private sector (DeLong 1999 1). Wages of the workers were cut at to the lowest degree twice a year plus different kinds of harassment were just some of the injustices that American workers experienced with the birth of glob alization in United States.Countless mass demonstrations were held by the remaining labor unions during that time in order to show their opposition on the rise of private sectors power backed up by government policies due to globalization. It took years in the first place this social conflict between the private sector and labor union community to settle down by the time the federal government starts shifting their support from the private sector going to the labor union during the early 1990s (Rodrick 1997 4-5).Therefore, globalization does not only disrupt the sovereignty of many nations, but also provides internal instabilities even on developed countries like the case of United States which causes social conflicts between different social correct, civic groups to name a few. Effects of Globalization to Economic Stability Despite of the fact that globalization only led developing countries to lose their grip on their autonomy/sovereignty, globalization still provide enough room for the improvement of their economic growth (Hoang & Liao 2002 2).Globalization, as what have already discussed earlier, provides an avenue towards the attainment of greater gains from international trading. International trading has been the main source of wealth and invites of many countries in the international community since the higher a countrys role on the international market, the greater is the probability that it can influence the supply or prices of goods in the global market.Globalization provides enough avenue towards the influx of foreign coronation from developed to developing countries which offers landitional think over opportunities to the workers of the latter while good-looking competitive advantages to the former. In this regard, both of the trading countries benefits from this kind of market set up.With the improvement of number of job opportunities for developing countries, households will now receive higher income, and with higher household income c omes higher domestic activities awaits local investors (Goldberg & Pavcnik 2006 1). In the end, developing countries become self sustainable by employ the foreign investings in order to improve the welfare condition of every households of a given country plus their heap balance which is one of the main economic indicator of how well a country is execute in the international market.Look at the case of China, with its cheap and lush supply of laborers for many multinational companies from different countries have given the said country impressive economic growth for the past years during the time globalization forced many multinational companies to operate internationally and outsourced some of their products to other countries (Hoang & Liao 2002 18-19). With this, China presently becomes one of the top acting countries around the globe in terms of volume of exports plus king-size foreign reserves generated from their surpluses from their trade balance.Many countries are becoming mutually beneficial on the products and laborers of China such as the United States despite of the fact that the former is still being considered by many countries as a developing one. Furthermore, globalization provides enough pressure for different industries of various countries to become innovative in developing new products to supply the growing inescapably of man kind.The development of new product provides competitive advantage for a given country since the latter can monopolize the production of that limited product which in the end would grant the country on pick out higher income and influence in the international market. For instance, the innovations of Microsoft on its bundle in the market provides enough room for the United States to have more influence in the international market since they have the competitive advantage in producing software for personal computers present in the market.Globalization dictated to many consumers in the international market that computers nowadays are already requisite and one must have a personal computer with software from Microsoft. With this booming demand for Microsofts software, United States starts experiencing improvement on their income, trade balance and bargaining power with other countries. In other words, through globalization, the booming of the IT industry in the United States would not be as high as it is today and the federal government will not be able to charge Microsoft with higher tax if the latters products did not successfully penetrated its target market.At the end of the day, it is therefore clear that globalization serves as a tool in order for both developing and developed countries to mutually gain from its existence in the global community through the improvement of countrys trade balance, job opportunities, per capita income and domestic consumption. Effects of Globalization on Technology Technology serves as the main driving forces of many globalization processes especia lly in the field of international trading.Many countries spent billions of dollars just to invest on technologically advanced machineries and equipment that will further increase their production level and cleverness (Rand. org 2008 1). Technology, aside from capital and labor, is among the main factors of production in todays market system as well as the source of competitive advantages of many countries in overcutting the performance of their competitors in the international market.The know-how of engine room of a given country could contribute for the attainment of impressive growth like for the case of Japan who presently leads the production of various lines of appliances, automobiles, mobile phones to name a few. Japan has been known for its ability to surpass the technology of many top nations in the international market. Despite the fact that it is still being considered among the developing countries, still, Japan has been able to compete at par with top developed countri es like United States, United Kingdom to name a few.In this regard, considering the case of Japan, it is therefore clear that globalization has been forcing the development of technology beyond its limits in order to suffice the growing needs and demand of the international community when it comes to machineries and gadgets that would make their everyday living easier and more comfortable.Effects of Globalization on Culture. With the increasing integration and linkages/connectivity between various region and countries of the international community, there has been a transfer of cultural influences between those countries that move with one another (Tomlinson 2006 2-3). Like for instance, with the improvement of the trading condition between the Philippines and United States, the former starts to imitate Western stylus of living after becoming familiar with the customers, preferences, tastes, and behavior of American through the transfer of products between the ports of the said tw o countries.Asians has been known for their ability to imitate Western style of living through consuming imported products from westerly countries. With globalization, the entry of western products will now be much greater as compared in the first place leading for countries in Asia to become more familiar and exposed to western products. At the end of the day, the transfer of customs, style of living, and product preferences will serve as the main tool of globalization to culturally link different countries.By exposing each trading countrys product to one another would provide enough roads for one country to influence one another like for the case of United States and Asian countries like the Philippines and Japan. Conclusion Though globalization has negative effects being obligate to both developing and developed countries, at the end of the day when we add all of the benefits and loses caused by globalization, the result would provide a positive make out meaning the global c ommunity did gain from the advent of globalization in the international market.As for the developing countries, they must tried to find other ways in order to attract more foreign investment without sacrificing their sovereignty like providing incentives instead of restructuring their current policies based from the demands of developed countries. On the other hand, developed countries must watch out for the internal conflicts that globalization might bring into their territory as different social class fight and struggle with one another for dominancy.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Military Culture

The old hand Culture Mikaela Barnett Chaltas School of Professional Counseling Lindsey Wilson College creator Note Mikaela Barnett Chaltas, The School of Professional Counseling, Lindsey Wilson College. Correspondence concerning this article should be turn to to Mikaela Barnett Chaltas, Ashland, Kentucky campus. Email email&160protected com Abstract The ever changing and evolving finale of Veterans is reviewed and demonstrateed in this paper. This paper has five main parts which implicate exposition of the purification, historic information, stereotypes, important values and tones, and counseling approach shotes.Keywords veterans, culture, stereotypes, values, beliefs, counseling The Veteran Culture The Veteran Culture is discussed in this paper. The paper is divided into five sections which include a. ) description of the culture b. ) historical information c. ) stereotypes d. ) Important values and beliefs and e. ) counseling approaches. verbal description of Culture A Ve teran is defined by Dictionary. com (2011, Nov. 11) as a person who has had long service or experience in an occupation, office, or the like, or as a person who has functiond in a armed services machine machine force, especially one who has fought in a war and experienced enjoin combat.Culture, as defined by J. P. Lederach, is, the shargond knowledge and schemes created by a set of plurality for perceiving, interpreting, expressing, and responding to the social realities around them (p. 9). completely definitions aside, Veterans ar, as the VA proudly and courageously states on their website, Men and women who, for legion(predicate) reasons, founderned the uniform of our bucolic to condense between freedom and tyranny to take up the sword of arbitrator in defense of the liberties we hold dear to preserve peace and to composure the winds of war. The United States war machine is comprised of many cultures and individuals rom various backgrounds with various belief system s that bring in put their wellness and their lives on the line to serve our country and preserve our freedom, as well as the freedom of their fa mileies. As say previously, this group is extremely diverse. They spread crosswise ethnic and socioeconomic lines, which include people from all parts of the United States (Hobbs, 2008). There argon well-nigh 22. 7 million Veterans who nominate served in the United States Military, aged 17 and older, according to the division of Veterans personal business (www. a. gov, 2010). Many other elements of culture at heart the Military take effect when one moves from civilian into legions culture. Individuals are expected to move fluently from civilian to military life with ease. They essential learn and live up to military expectations which impact their family life. They must wet-nurse military acronyms and considerations, learn and utilize the military chain of command and protocol, must practice military customs and courtesies, and deal with the endless transitions that enter their lives.Military force-out and their families are expected to easily lay to new or interim family configurations, properly manage their suddenly military lifestyle, accommodate physical changes, possess new contacts, and cope with any emotional dos that arise from these changes. These men and women are drilled and taught to work together, support one a nonher, and protect each other, as if they become one with their fellow soldiers. They develop a sense of be that is hard for them to find outside of their military family.Military culture also places stress on being able to cope affablely and physically when dealings with ones own stress regarding the changes to ones culture and the experiences that also occur in spite of appearance the military, both(prenominal) personalised and professional. Both active and inactive military members are adept to suck. up their own problems or difficulties (Bryan &038 Morrow, 2011). They share a vulgar combat experience and are part of the warrior culture (Bryan &038 Morrow, 2011). Mental wellness issues and instability are also common in the Veteran culture.Many veterans are likely to suffer from Depression, Substance Abuse and/or Dependence, various phobias, sleeplessness, and Post-Traumatic air Disorder (PTSD) (Palmer, 2011). Some Veterans also have physical disabilities from combat wounds and it isnt unlikely to manage such pains with pharmaceuticals that also lead to addiction. The grease that permeates the military culture surrounding kind health and the ability to adjust to any condition within the military is al right smarts present, oftentimes do attempting treatment taboo (Jarvis, 2009).Historical Information The United States Military was set up in 1775, which coincided with the Revolutionary fight. In 1776, the government boosted enlistments into the military for the Revolutionary War by providing pensions to disabled soldiers. In 1789, the pa rt of War was established, which would later be renamed the Department of Defense in 1949 (www. defense. gov/about/). The establishment of the military brought on the development of the veteran culture. As express before, Veterans span many cultures and generations (Hobbs, 2008).The Veterans pipe down alive today have served in the most recent wars being World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq-Desert Storm, Iraq-Operation Freedom, and Afghanistan. Many older generations of Veterans have expressed their arrest of the younger veterans returning home from war and seem familiar with the problems they plaque (Hobbs, 2008). Simply speaking, the older generations of veterans can enlighten one to the keen sensory faculty of issues that are present in the Veteran Culture that non-veteran civilians do not have. After World War II, the U.S. Military began taking the issue of mental illness seriously (Jarvis, 2009). The breaking down under the stress of military strains and stressors, and the p sychiatric casualty, exposed the emotional side of men and challenged the warrior culture which had been construct upon bravery, self-mastery, control, and courage under fire (Jarvis, 2009). The military would use the term debilitation when referring to soldiers who experienced mental health issues, hoping this would be a less stigmatizing term when they returned home (Jarvis, 2009. President Roosevelt expressed concern for the men in the military and those coming home from war. He expressed that the ultimate be do for them (Jarvis, 2009). The overwhelming number of vets after WWII diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disabilities lead to media attention, then ultimately, to exhibit and better treatment of mental illness. Soldiers were expected to serve shorter tours of duty and provided with right away available psychiatric care on the front lines (Jarvis, 2009. ) Then, post-Vietnam, a study shift occurred in funding the treatment of mental illness within the military.This continue s to be a focus and an area of concern for our veterans and military personal to this very day. Stereotypes As with any culture, stereotypes are common. The media plays a part in stereotyping military veterans and the military culture. Commercials focusing on, Be all you can be, soldiery Strong empowering people to be one of, The Few, The Proud and to, Do something nasty are just a few of those stereotypes that are engrained into the minds of people (Bryan &038 Morrow, 2011). All of these focus on the strength and agility of the military culture.Barbara Safani (2011, April 15) pointed out and debunked some(prenominal) common stereotypes used to describe veterans and others within the military culture. She reported that many believe that the people who serve our country are rigid and they dont think. We must always remember that even though on that point are incidents which may lead the civilian population to trust in these stereotypes, we must all identify that the majority of the military culture fuck their country and those to which they serve. Important Values As individuals, Veterans have varying values due to having come from an array of backgrounds all crossways the United States.It would take an enormous amount of time and energy to discuss individual personal values within the veteran culture. As a whole, however, the military helps instill several core values into those who choose to serve this country. The United States Army listed their 7 Core Values on their website, (http//www. army. mil/values/). As with many cultures, they hold these values and practices dear to their hearts. The U. S. Military Values consist of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, approve, Integrity, and Personal Courage (www. va. ov, 2010). Taking a moment to explain these values in terms of military quarrel may help civilians understand the culture in a way that they may not otherwise. Loyalty Bear true faith and faithfulness to the U. S. Constitution, the Arm y, your unit, and other soldiers. Duty Fulfill your obligations. Respect Treat people as they should be treated. Selfless Service Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own. Honor Live up to all the Army Values. Integrity Do whats right, legally and morally. Personal Courage Face fear, danger, and adversity, both physical and moral. These big groups of individuals share a common bond as they experience the inner culture of the US Military. Veterans share a common language, symbols, and gathering places that people who are not Veterans do not understand (Hobbs, 2008). Counseling approach issues There are several approaches to counseling veterans and others within the military cultures that have proven successful. These often depend upon what type of treatment and the severity of the issue being treated.Many therapists use Reality Therapy, Choice Therapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), and practice of medicine to treat symptoms relate d to various mental health concerns within the military/veteran culture (Palmer, 2011). It is common knowledge in the mental health profession, that many mental health issues within this culture are often co-morbid with others. This drops treating the mental illness complicated at times. The Department of Veterans Affairs (Feb, 2010) has a vast database of information for treatments and places that provide treatment, depending on the depth of the presenting issues.There are Outpatient go offered for Veterans where mental health counselors are available (Department of Veterans Affairs, Feb, 2010). Suicide prevention programs with a hotline available for those on the verge of self-harm, along with information on the ensample signs associated with suicide. There are also a vast number of friend support groups available for those needing a regular outlet for processing of the issues they face. tally to Nick Palmer (Oct. 2011) the most important aspect of treatment is the support sy stem.He stated that the people and professionals close to the veteran or active duty soldier can help them recognize their symptoms and reinforce therapeutic interventions needed for them to seek assistance if and when it is needed. He also stressed that individual therapy sessions were of utmost importance, as well as marital or relationship counseling, and systematic family interventions, which could make the difference between life and death for many veterans from this culture experiencing mental health issues. References Bryan, C. J. , &038 Morrow, C. E. (2011).Circumventing mental health stigma by embracing the warrior culture Lessons learned from the defender. Professional Psychology Research and Practice,42(1), 16-23. Culture. (n. d. ). Dictionary. com Unabridged. Retrieved November 09, 2011, from Dictionary. com website http//dictionary. reference. com/browse/culture Department of Veterans Affairs. (2008, Aug. ) Suicide prevention men and women veterans know the warning sign s of suicide. Brochure. Department of Veterans Affairs. Department of Veterans Affairs. (September 2011). The Veterans Day Teacher Resource Guide.Office of guinea pig Programs and Special Events. Website http//www. va. gov/vetsday Hobbs, K. (2008). Reflections on the culture of veterans. AAOHN Journal Official Journal of the American Association of Occupational wellness Nurses, 56(8), 337-341. Jarvis, C. (2009). If he comes home nervous U. s. world war II neuropsychiatric casualties and postwar masculinities. The Journal of Mens Studies,17(2), 97-115. Lederach, J. P. (1995). Preparing for peace Conflict transformation across cultures. Syracuse, NY Syracuse University Press. Palmer, Nick. (2011, October 28).Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Understanding and Treating Veterans. Ashland, KY. United States Army. (n. d. ). alimentation the army values. United States Army. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from http//www. goarmy. com/soldier-life/being-a-soldier/living-the-army-values. html Vete ran. (n. d. ). Dictionary. com Unabridged. Retrieved November 09, 2011, from Dictionary. com website http//dictionary. reference. com/browse/veteran Veterans Affairs National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. (n. d. ) Recovery a guide for Veterans, family members, and healthcare providers. Brochure. Veterans Affairs National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Cannon Bard Theory of Emotion

carom Bard Theory of Emotion As you ar hiking through the woods, a bear walks out onto the path. In an instant you begin to tense up and sweat. In the same instant you are filled with fear. These two events of physiological responses and perceptional experience happen at the same time, non sensation after the other. That is why the Cannon-Bard possibility of emotion is a better indicator of how our bodies and minds respond to stimuli.Cannon and Bard highlighted the role of the chief in generating physiological responses and specks a role that is important in their explanation of emotion experience and production. The master(prenominal) assertions of the CannonBard possible action are that randy expression results from the range of hypothalamic structures, and emotional feeling results from stimulations of the dorsal thalamus. The physiological changes and subjective feeling of an emotion in response to a stimulus are dissipate and independent arousal does not have to c ome up before the emotion (Adcock, 1976).Cannon-Bard theory states that we feel emotions and experience physiological reactions such as sweating, awe and muscle tension simultaneously. More specifically, it is suggested that emotions result when the thalamus sends a message to the heading in response to a stimulus, resulting in a physiological reaction(Hayes, 2003). For cause I see a snake > I am scared > I begin to tremble. According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, we react to a stimulus and experience the associated emotion at the same time (Carlson, 2013).The key element of the CannonBard theory of emotion is that when the thalamic discharge overtakes, the bodily changes occur almost simultaneously with the emotional experience. The bodily changes and emotional experience occur separately and independently of one another physiological arousal does not have to precede emotional expression or experience. The theory asserts that the thalamic division is the brain ar ea responsible for emotional responses to experienced stimuli (Adcock, 1976). Walter Cannon criticized the James-Lange theory for several reasons.He argued that emotion occurs even if the bodily changes which transmit feedback to the brain are eliminated (Hayes, 2003). He severed neural connections to the cortex of cats (creating decorticate cats). The decorticate cats, when provoked, exhibited the emotional behavior normally associated with rage and aggression, as demonstrated by provoke hair, growling, and the baring of teeth (Hayes, 2003). (Canon called the behavior sham rage because according to the James-Lange theory emotional behavior could not occur without connections to the brain. In addition, Cannon argued that nonrational responses occur too slowly to be recognized by the brain before emotional responses to a stimuli occur (Adcock, 1976). Works Cited Adcock, C. (1976). Psychology and Theory. Hong Kong capital of Seychelles University Press. Neil R. Carlson, H. M. (2013) . Psychology The Science of Experience. USA Pearson Learning Solutions. Nick Hayes, P. S. (2003). Students Dictionary of Psychology. immature York Oxford University Press Inc.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Analysis of Asian American Essay

The fall in States has amaze the about respective(a) society on the face of the earth. For more than a century, well-nigh immigrants to the United States were EuropeansGermans, English, Italians, and so forth. However, according to Globalization and Contemporary Immigration to the United States by Min Zhou and J. V. Gatewood, non-European immigration to the United States began in the tardily 1960s and has accelerated at rapid speeds since the early 1990s aft(prenominal) a long hiatus due to sniped immigration. More than whiz million people a year migrate, mostly from Asia and Latin the Statesn- is transforming America into a multicultural society. At the same time, diversity became a distinguishing attribute of contemporary Asian American. Cultural, social, economic and geopolitical factors have contributed to the diversity and too has brought new challenges for immigrants and their children to adapt themselves to the new environment. (Min Zhou and J. V. Gatewood) There ar e four-spot aspects about the development of a coherent vision for future Asian American as what Min Zhou and J. V.Gatewood described. Firstly, variously national origins, which unsex impact on both the immigrant coevals and the second and third generation in language and religions. Secondly, socioeconomic diversity brings about different kinds of mobility patterns. Thirdly, diverse settlement modes influence the development of Asian American community. Finally, immigration complicates intergenerational dealings and ethnic solidarity. As what Min Zhou and J. V. Gatewood referred, the Philippines, China/Taiwan, Korea, India, and Vietnam have been on the list of top-ten sending countries since 1980.Even though there were different kinds of laws to restrict immigration from the Asian-Pacific triangle, Asian immigrants found other ways to become eligible citizen. For example, marrying white Americans. With the development of globe economy, the U. S. immigration policy had been chan ged. On the one hand, the United States sought cheaper labor and resources abroad to develop the globalisation of its economy. Since the 1980s, about on e-third of the engineers and medical personnel in the U. S. labor merchandise have come from abroad-mostly from India, China, Taiwan and the Philippines. (Min Zhou and J.V. Gatewood) Further, more and more Asian study abroad, therefore, many international students, namely, foreign students, had found permanent barter in America so that they could stay here. On the other hand, globalisation had played a significant role in immigration. For one thing, underdeveloped countries economics and occupational structures were interposed by the U. S. investment. The U. S. imported the abroad material and then processed, finally, exported to those developing countries. For another thing, with the increase number of labor demand, rural-urban migration increased rapidly.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Human Resources Internship Essay

I applied for the tender-hearted Resources internship at Maryville Academy-Scott Nolan circle around through the website indeed. com. During my internship with Maryville Academy-Scott Nolan heart and soul, I supported the HR department and presidential termal initiatives. My responsibilities with recruiting initiatives embroil initial sop up cover version and on-boarding. Positions I screened for included but were non limited to mental health counselor, staff nurse, utility coach and receptionist. I similarly supported administrative aspects such as filing, data entry, and HRIS maintenance.Since the Scott Nolan Center is in a transitional period, I helped come apart several prank descriptions. From the human resources perspective, I did deliverroll and disciplinary action forms, as considerably as legal documents such as FMLA. I completed 432 hours of the Maryville Human Resources Internship Program. Expectations Prior to Internship Before the internship started, I had an interview with my Human Resources manager to h aged forth my expectations as well as her expectations for this internship. I expected to halt convolute with daily Human Resources functions. I expected to be geting in a fast-paced organization.Also, I expected a authoritative sum total of genteelness since I did not have any relevant inhabit prior to the internship. One former(a) social occasion I was concerned with was that thither faculty be a difference when recruiting for non-pro pop off organizations comp atomic number 18d to for-profit organizations. I thought recruiters would pass attention to some unique psychealities or rules when they screened qualified applicants. For instance, some for-profit organizations might focus on muckle who have the mandatory skills, such as sales skills, customer service skills and presentation skills.For this special(prenominal) non-profit organization, I would pay more attention to record traits, such as openness and agree equ alness. beyond My Expectations Beyond my expectations, I learned that every organization has its unique culture. It does not matter if it is profit or non-profit. Some organizations focus on employees raising and development, while other organizations focus on select scenes who have certain token(prenominal) skills earlier they can be hired. These employees require little training and development.The organization I worked for is a childrens psychiatric hospital. Its patients be y surfacehs who are suicidal or suffered from sexual and physical ab function in their family. These patients are very sensitive. Thus, they are looking for employees to be energetic, positive and have superior nursing or therapy skills. They want their employees to not only care round the patient physically, but also mentally. During the recruiting process, I considered not only whether candidates had the inbred KSAs to finish t consumes, but also whether their personality would fit the organization. My expectations active this internship generally focuse on recruiting, as well as maintaining the employee database, such as workers compen sit downions and payroll. Since the hospital was expanding, several new positions were created. Beyond my expectations, I had to update and develop several line of credit descriptions. On the legal aspect, I was not expecting to get very involved. However, I had a take place to follow a FMLA showcase and to issue disciplinary action forms to employees who violated organizational polity. These legal documents make me realize the grandeur of legal documents in uman resources management.Selection Process full general Process A square portion of my internship responsibility was recruiting. These responsibilities ranged from screening candidates resumes to interviewing and preparing hiring documents. I would screen resumes from our database and select whom I believed would fit in the position. Then, I would bear on a ph whiz interview with the applicant. After the ph wiz interview, if I pipe down felt the psyche fit the organization, I would schedule an in person interview with our Human Resources Manager for the applicant.Our manager would make the final ending after the interview. If our manager decided to hire this individual, I would start preparing hiring paperwork including stress check, reference check and medical record. My responsibilities would be all the above-mentioned labours, which cogitate with filing all the documents and sending it to the orientation group in aver to prepare new-hire orientation documents. Screening Resume Before the internship, I show up an article by Applicants (2009). He gave me several tips I kept in mind during the resume screening process.First of all, I was aware of dominance adverse trespass during the screening process. I should not focus on screening applicants from particular race or gender group. Companies have profound discretion in defining the basic qualifica tions for each position that they run across so long as those qualifications are defined by the fountain of the hiring process for the position. When I selected qualified applicants for phone interviews, I chose candidates who met the minimal qualifications. Then, we chose whoever had high hat matched our skill requirements to continue to the next var., which is an in person interview.These token(prenominal) requirements were hardened by barter descriptions. The origin description helped us identify which candidate was able to serve the bloodline, such as develop policy and legislate with patients. Thus, developing a job description was very important. After screening resumes for minimum qualifications, phone interviews were conducted. Importance of determine personality traits and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) during endurance process We valued to select employees who we believed would be successful in the job. concord o Barrick and Mount (1991), the Big Five personality dimensions are colligate to job carrying into action. Their exit indicated that Conscientiousness, which is a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutiful, and start for achievement against measures or outside expectations showed consistent relations with job proficiency. Extraversion, which is characterized by positive emotions, surgency, and the tendency to seek out stimulation and the company of others, was a valid predictor for occupations involving complaisant interaction. The other three computes- Openness, Agreeableness and neuroticism had small correlation score.Since most of the positions involved interacting with children, Extraversion would be the operator I needed to pay attention to. From this article, I understood the importance of using personality traits during the selection process. To help me determine useful personality traits for different positions, Raymark, Schmit and Guion (2006) talk of the towned well-nigh identifying potencely us eful personality constructs for employee selection. They created the Personality-Related Position Requirements version (PPRF), which was a job analysis form to be used in making hypotheses about personality predictors of job performance.People predicted job performance by identifying whether the candidates personality matched the dimensions they determined in the job analysis. For ex angstrom unitle, the author conducted a job analysis and hypothesized that several dimensions were ingrained to perform the job efficiently, such as leadership, sensitivity to interests of others, cooperative or collaborative work tendency and general trustworthiness. Then, authors linked candidates personality with these dimensions to identify who fit the position beaver.I did not get a chance to use the actual form imputable to the limited resources and budget at work however, I learned from it. Before screening for every position, I order the job description in our database and analyzed potential personalities that would fit the particular position. I also discussed these personalities with my manager for advertions. When I screened resumes and interviewed, I would look for the specific personalities to match required skill bunchs as well as the organizations culture. Employees in the organizations are al shipway helpful. They are very low-cal to talk to.Everybody worked together and helped each other out. I talked to my manager about our organizational culture and she said that we are helpful, energetic and team-orientated. It was difficult to maneuver personality traits simply from the resume, so I looked at the format of the resume to determine if the candidate was detail-oriented or not. If the format of the resume was disorganized, at that place was a greater chance that the candidate was not careful, as opposed to one with an organized resume. If a potential employee was careless when editing their resume, I would close up that they would not try their best at work.If the candidate passed the resume phase it meant a chance for a phone interview. This was the phase where we could get a general sense of the candidates personality. I talked to my manager before conducting phone interviews to discuss traits I should look for. For example, I would look for pack who are energetic and outgoing and mountain who were patient and easy to talk to. Their tones on the phone and language they used would be a blown-up part of the determination process. We were looking for candidates who had positive tones and good talk skills. compensate though there was no identify of personality traits to look for, I tested to analyze the job description. I discussed the jobs with my coworkers and drew a list of personality traits in my mind when I phone interviewed candidates. When they responded to our questions, we were looking for people who answer calmly and respectfully. Other than personality traits, OCB was another important element I paid attention to when I conducted the phone interview. OCB is the performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which task performance takes places (Organ, 1997).Research results showed OCB has significant relationships with important organizational outcomes such as productivity, efficiency, and turnover (Podsakoff, Whiting, Podsakoff, & Blume, 2009). With minimum qualifications, I wanted to select candidates who showed OCBs in their phone interview. Podsakoff, Whiting, Podsakoff, & Mishra (2010) also talked about the effects of OCBs on selection decision in mesh interviews. The article reports on an experiment examning the effects of job candidates propensity to parade OCBs on selection decisions make in the context of a job interview.The result showed that candidates who exhibited high levels of OCBs were generally rated as more competent, received higher(prenominal) overall evaluations, and received higher profits recommendations than candidates who exhibited low er levels of OCBs. When I asked job candidates questions, I was looking for people who showed higher levels of helping, voice, and verity behaviors in their answers. I believe employees who love to help others, who would express their feelings to improve rather than criticize, and who showed loyalty to their employers would work well in our organization.I talked to my manager about these factors and she concur with me. For example, for the receptionist position, when I asked the candidate about their past working experience, I would handle to hear examples of them voluntarily helping their co-workers, or solving conflicts between co-workers. Also, I would want to hear them talk about what did they achieved at the past job, the uniform what did they do to improve the company or themselves. Another thing I would ask them is why were they looking for a new job?Candidates responses and attitudes toward their old employer would give me an estimate of their loyalty if they were work for our organization. If these personality traits and OCBs showed during the phone interview, I would invite candidates to come in for an in-person interview. The reason for conducting a valse interview after a phone interview was because by shock with the individual, it helped us to know the individual improve. Our organization required employees to have an in-house reflectivity to give them a chance to get in touch with patients and remark their responses.I was not able to participate in the in-house posters however, I tried my best to select potential candidates from the first two rounds of interviews. Selection Decisions Dalessio and Imada (1984) talked about relationships between interview selection decisions and perceptions of applicant similarity. The study had shown that interviewers final decisions were relate to a the degree of similarity between the interviewers perception of the nonpareil employee and the applicant, and b the degree of similarity between the in terviewers self-perception and the applicant.This was a useful tip when I interviewed. I sat in several interviews before personally conducting one. I observed the communication between applicants and my Human Resources Manager. Since all these candidates passed the minimum qualification, my manager looked for someone who best fit the organization. Fit is the word we use in our selection process. many another(prenominal) applicants had the minimum qualifications for the job however, we wanted someone who fit in the organization. Garcia, Posthuma, & Colella (2008) talked about how interviewers construct fit perceptions about applicants.Their results showed that performance expectation had a direct effect on fit perceptions. Unanimously with the study, our manager wanted to select people who she thought would perform well in the organization. She had an idea of what an ideal applicant would look like in her mind. For example, when we hired nurses, my manager looked to see if the a pplicant was careful, sensitive, caring and good at teamwork. If the applicant used to work in teams and got along with his or her team members, she would be able to determine if this applicant fit our organization. This person should have high Agreeableness.If we were hiring for a receptionist, we would want to look for candidates who love to help others. From these observations, I learned to study the interview questions and pay attention to personality traits and OCBs that we were looking for in an ideal employee. Each time, I would read these different interview questions for different positions and exercise the questions in my mind. Also, I identified personality traits and OCBs that were related to the position. Combined with the PPRF I mentioned earlier, I discussed with my manager about our expectations for an ideal candidate before the interview.What were the essential skills and personalities that fit in the organization? After I identified those aspects, I would start th e interview process. The more the individual matched our requirements, the more credibly this individual would be hired. Each position requires different personality traits unfortunately, I am not able to list them out specifically due to the confidentiality policy of the organization. Difficulties Encountered Unavoidably, we chose some overqualified candidates to pursue to the next step, which are the background check and drug-screen test.We chose these candidates because they would be quick studies and help others develop. However, our remuneration was not the most attractive in the industry. We anomic several over-qualified candidates right before orientation. Some left due to compensation limitations some left due to lack of potential opportunities. We broken both time and money due to the unexpected losses. I discussed these issues with my manager. She told me that they lost more than 70% of over-qualified individuals among all over-qualified individuals during the recruiti ng process in the past.Even though the turnover is high, they have better potential compared to individuals who have minimum skills only. Her ways to avoid the situation was to not interview over-qualified individuals if they required much higher compensation than what we could offer. I disagreed with her opinion. stipend definitely matters to jobseekers, however, it is not the only thing that matters. I believed more factors should be considered before we decided if an interview should be conducted, such as potential evolution, training and development, as well as a benefit package.According to Wells (2004), there are pros and cons of hiring overqualified candidates. The potential returns include they might be able to pick up tomorrows leaders today at below-market prices. If they were hired, they could help employees meet their goals before and potentially contribute a lot more to the company. However, there were disadvantages as well. Overqualified candidates were often too e xpensive. If we didnt give them a better compensation package, situations similar in our organizations would be likely to happen again. Also, Wells mentioned that they were likely to intimidate others.Hiring a person who is far more experienced than his or her peers or immediate supervisor could create upside-down reporting relationships and self-confidence tensions. Careful assessment was required when intending to hire overqualified candidates. From the article, I learned that I should decide how to define over-qualification. I brought up the topic at one of our intern meetings. We agreed that being at the wrong level and profit expectation was one of the most important factors. It looked kind of like Maslows hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1943).He used the terms Physiological, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Esteem, Self-Actualization and Self-Transcendence need to nominate the pattern that human motivations generally move through. When primary needs were satisfied, people seek fo r higher level needs. I think over-qualified employees do the same. Compensation is a primary need for job seekers. However, it is not the only factor that matters. If we provide fair amount of compensation, they look for other factors such as personal growth. However, if the compensation level is much lower than the average, they seek for other companies.Our organization does not have to have the most attractive compensation, however, it should be the average in the industry. We provided minimum pay at the phone interview. Also, there was a pay expectation on the job application. Comparing our minimum pay and candidates expectations, we would be able to draw a picture of the adventure of follow through the hiring process with the over qualified candidates. For example, we would give applicants a realistic preview of what the job would be. During the phone screen process, I told them the salary for the position and paid attention to their response.If the candidate hesitated, they m ost likely would not continue the process. We would not follow up with this candidate. The next step was to ask if we could do something to position the job opportunity to better take advantage of the applicants experience. For instance, if the applicants past experience was change in child care, we would transfer the applicant to the childcare facilities within the organization. Or, if the applicant obviously had more skills and experience, we would offer a higher-level position instead of an entry-level position.Also, we place in-house observations for applicants to give them a preview of certain responsibilities of the job and observe their reaction in the real work environment. Lastly, we assessed what career stage the person was in. We would like to know if they had ambitious goals and wanted fast growth. As a result, we looked at three predictors of candidates success on the job the talent to do the work, the ability to work well with others and motivation. Motivation facto rs include, career growth like promotion opportunities and personnel growth, such as education reimbursement. undermentioned these assessment steps, we successfully decreased the drop off rate for overqualified candidates. During my internship period, we made efforts to hire seven over-qualified candidates, half of them went through the whole process, which is much better than before. Job Description Development Beyond my expectations, I had a chance to develop several job descriptions during my internship due to organization transformation and expansion. Brannick and Levine (2002) mentioned that the social organization of the job description should include identifiers, a stocky section, duties and tasks, and other information.They suggest using a KSA modeling approach and critical incident proficiency to structure the job description. Due to the limited time I was given, I was not able to analyze these KSAs and critical incidents. However, I followed their format, which made the job description easier to read. Since the organization had their own format for job descriptions, which didnt include a summary section, I discussed with my manager the benefit of adding a summary section for each position and edited all of our job descriptions.The summary section gave applicants and mployees a clear idea of what their responsibilities were and linked with tasks and skill sets required. I believe the summary gave employees a better idea of what their daily functions looked like. During my internship, I developed job description for utility manager, staff development specialist, and administrator assistant. Also, my coworkers and I revised all of our job descriptions in the database by adding a summary section. After the format was decided, I planned to start to drawing off the job description. Part of the job description was minimum qualifications.Levine, Maye, Ulm, and Gordon (1997) provided a gradually account of the methodology and described the means by which validated minimum qualifications (MQ) were obtained. The authors indicated that MQs were created for education, experience, and closely related personalities needed to perform a job satisfactorily. In our organization, a closely related personality for nurse would be Agreeableness. We looked for people who would follow the policy and work with others. MQs are often used as screening devices in personnel selection. Our organization used MQs to screen out applicants as well.Levine, et al (1997) mentioned that in order to determine minimum qualifications, a job analysis needed to be conducted. Its descriptors or components were both behavioral and cognitive in nature. Tasks, the behavioral aspects and KSAs, and the cognitive aspects were determined. Scales were developed to evaluate tasks and KSAs for their impact and relevance in establishing MQs. The authors indicated that this job analysis established a behind for the development of MQs, and defined domains against which to evalu ate the MQs for content validity.Preliminary research and observation by human resources specialists, including review of the dictionary of occupational titles, also helped to lead to the preparation of draft lists of tasks and KSAs. Interviews with current employees should be conducted to review relevant tasks and responsibilities required at their job. The authors also suggested a meeting with SMEs to determine the final task and KSA list. Using the list, people should be able to prepare a set of MQ profiles. According to the study, this methodology proved to have high inter- rater reliability.